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Dip Switch #1:
1-8 = OFF
Dip Switch #2:
1 = ON
2 = OFF
3 = ON/OFF [Upright/Cocktail]
4-5 = OFF
6 = ON
7 = OFF
8 = ON
Dip Switch #3:
1 = OFF
3 = OFF
4 = ON
Note: The above Dip Switches, are not only the FACTORY DEFAULT settings, but are also the correct Twin Galaxies Tournament Settings for this title and will provide the following settings;
Lives: 3
Bonus Life: At 30,000 Pts & 200,000 Pts
Difficulty: Normal
Special Rules: This is a 1 Player ONLY Variation! Continues are NOT permitted!
165,200 pts.
Mere Contra -- svært..! Inkl. Topdown baner (uden hop funktion -- men Smartbombs istedet..
Og med nye powerups og evnen til at hoppe lidt højere (Up + jump).
Dog kan høje hop drille skyderetningen (bli'r ved med at skyde opad mens man hopper højt.. især med Autofire-våben..?)