Friday Night Live i Pinlab 28-06-24
: man 10. jun 2024 11:54
Tekst taget direkte fra IFPA kalenderen:
"Welcome to FNL
We play a head-to-head matchplay format in the qualifying round, followed by 4-player matchplay format in the finals.
If you don’t make it to the finals, don’t worry, there will be one more tournament for the road [red. not for IFPA WPPR points]."
Dørene åbner 18.30
Turnering starter 19.00
"Welcome to FNL
We play a head-to-head matchplay format in the qualifying round, followed by 4-player matchplay format in the finals.
If you don’t make it to the finals, don’t worry, there will be one more tournament for the road [red. not for IFPA WPPR points]."
Dørene åbner 18.30
Turnering starter 19.00