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Redaktør: TheRealEd
- Indlæg: 1203
- Tilmeldt: ons 22. jun 2016 02:10
- Geografisk sted: København
- Highscores: 0
- Arcade winning challenges: 0
søn 22. jan 2023 17:26
"HPO is coming back!
We are proud to announce that this year, after two years of silence, there will be HPO tournament between 28.04-2023–- 01.05.2023 in Budapest.
4 days – 3 different places, 3 tournaments. Maximum TGP!
Valuable prizes!
Free entrance into the Hungarian Pinball Museum for those who has not qualified for Sunday’s finals.
Registration will start on the 15th of February.
You will find more details on http://www.mabra.hu."
|×[ED ]×|
- Indlæg: 1203
- Tilmeldt: ons 22. jun 2016 02:10
- Geografisk sted: København
- Highscores: 0
- Arcade winning challenges: 0
ons 15. feb 2023 10:13
|×[ED ]×|
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